
NoPASARAN is an advanced network tool designed to detect, fingerprint, and locate network middleboxes in a unified framework. The tool leverages the power of finite state machines for test case description and enables network orchestration with various roles for machines in the architecture.


  • Detection, fingerprinting, and location of network middleboxes.

  • Utilization of finite state machines for test case description.

  • Flexible roles for machines in the architecture: Worker and Proxy.

  • Worker machines perform test campaigns defined by JSON scenario files.

  • Proxy machines are accessible to remote Workers, allowing communication when Workers are unreachable from the Internet.

  • Support for JSON-based scenario files for state machine configurations.


  • Python 3.8 or later

  • Scapy

  • Twisted


There are two ways to install and use NoPASARAN: by using the source code from GitHub or by installing it as a Python package.

Installing from Source Code:

  1. Clone the NoPASARAN repository:

    git clone https://github.com/BenIlies/NoPASARAN.git
  2. Navigate into the NoPASARAN directory:

    cd NoPASARAN
  3. Install the necessary Python packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Installing as a Python Package:

  1. Install NoPASARAN using pip:

    pip install nopasaran


NoPASARAN can be run in either the WORKER or PROXY role:

  • To run as a WORKER:

    python main.py WORKER --scenario=<path-to-json-scenario-file>

    Or using the Python package:

    nopasaran WORKER --scenario=<path-to-json-scenario-file>
  • To run as a PROXY:

    python main.py PROXY

    Or using the Python package:

    nopasaran PROXY

Replace <path-to-json-scenario-file> with the path to your actual JSON scenario file.

Additional options:

  • --verbose or -v: Enable verbose output.

  • --log=<path-to-log-file> or -l=<path-to-log-file>: Specify the path to the log file (default is “conf.log”).

  • --log-level=<log-level> or -ll=<log-level>: Specify the log level for output. Valid choices are “debug”, “info”, “warning”, and “error”.

For any further assistance, use the --help argument with any command for additional information.


You can also use Docker to download and run a NoPASARAN node:

  1. Pull the latest node image:

    docker pull benilies/nopasaran:latest
  2. Run the node container:

    docker run -it benilies/nopasaran:latest

The node container is now ready for use.